Developing in the cloud using Cloud9 and EC2
There are instances as a developer where you're working on a laptop with limited resources. Why not utilize the capabilities of AWS to reduce the dependencies of developing web applications on your laptop.
Curious or Furious?: The Power of Streamlined DevOps for GovAgency Teams
The benefits of workflow DevOps and share practical examples of how to leverage team collaboration on Drupal code projects to overcome common pitfalls and challenges.
GovCMS Deep Dive into content sharing at scale
This session is a more focused deep dive on specific aspects of DXP and content that are most compelling to a whole of government implementation on GovCMS.
GovCMS and Drupal 9, roadmap and Q&A
The presentation will cover the latest developments in GovCMS9 and detail the roadmap for migrations.
AI Powered Drupal: A new era for content creation and management
A DrupalSouth video on extending Drupal with AI capabilities with the Augmentor module.
Wriggling out from the weight of Covid to take GovCMS on its next adventure
The last few years have been busy for GovCMS. We delivered large amounts of Covid content to Australians; feeling the weight of responsibility to not make any mistakes and watched over enormous spikes in traffic that did not fall away as the pandemic ebbed and flowed. The reality of that workload and pressure meant we had to delay most of our optional work.
Managing a managed service
GovCMS is a hosting platform available for government agencies and entities across different levels of government. GovCMS offers two hosting options, a Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. GovCMS currently host over 330 websites for over 100 agencies.
How AI Could Empower Any Business
Expensive to build and often needing highly skilled engineers to maintain, artificial intelligence systems generally only pay off for large tech companies with vast amounts of data. But what if your local pizza shop could use AI to predict which flavor would sell best each day of the week? Andrew Ng shares a vision for democratizing access to AI, empowering any business to make decisions that will increase their profit and productivity. Learn how we could build a richer society – all with just a few self-provided data points.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In #Aadhaar Usage’ is immense.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In Aadhaar Usage’ is immense. To know more watch the video & deep dive into the world of possibilities with Aadhaar.
Rules as Code - Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Rules as code (RaC) is the process of taking legislation, regulations and policies and turning them into machine-readable code.