AI Powered Drupal: A new era for content creation and management
A DrupalSouth video on extending Drupal with AI capabilities with the Augmentor module.
Replatforming Victoria's Department of Health onto Single Digital Presence
Salsa migrated the large from SiteCore to Victoria’s Single Digital Presence (SDP) to access the benefits of open source and the whole-of-government platform. The project represents a very large site with over 110 different features identified for rebuilding on SDP, and over 80,000 content objects (pages, documents and components) for migration.
How AI Could Empower Any Business
Expensive to build and often needing highly skilled engineers to maintain, artificial intelligence systems generally only pay off for large tech companies with vast amounts of data. But what if your local pizza shop could use AI to predict which flavor would sell best each day of the week? Andrew Ng shares a vision for democratizing access to AI, empowering any business to make decisions that will increase their profit and productivity. Learn how we could build a richer society – all with just a few self-provided data points.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In #Aadhaar Usage’ is immense.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In Aadhaar Usage’ is immense. To know more watch the video & deep dive into the world of possibilities with Aadhaar.
Rules as Code - Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Rules as code (RaC) is the process of taking legislation, regulations and policies and turning them into machine-readable code.
Convivial CMS DrupalSouth demonstration
Morpht - Convivial CMS: Murray Woodman, from Morpht, will showcase Convivial CMS, a personalisation focused Drupal distribution. Convivial CMS ships with many personalisation and editor friendly features to make Drupal a first class citizen in the digital ecosystem.
13 ways to personalise your Drupal website
A DrupalSouth video on how Drupal can be personalised using Convivial Profiler.
Drupal Security Panel
Security has always been a concern for government websites. Given the recent rise in cyber attacks and subsequent media attention, securing your Drupal site is now more important than ever.
Meet the Moment: Delivering Results with WebOps
Now more than ever, web teams must pivot with confidence. We must focus on high-impact changes to our websites and adjust our strategy to a digital-first model. WebOps is a powerful mental model for understanding and organizing your work around credibility, productivity and impact.
Archives Central: A next-generation records repository
This presentation is a case study of a recent Islandora 8 project for Archives Central to migrate and present over 200,000 records (mixed digital and physical) on behalf of a consortium of district and regional councils in NZ.