Content Planning & UX Panel
Exploring the overlaps between UX and content: content and UX are often treated as separate disciplines. We’ll discuss how content contributes to UX, and the tools and practices needed to deliver a more complete solution.
The UX of Content Guidance
When organisations set out to improve their content, they often start with a writing style guide: a document that sets out the rules in detail.
But is that even the best approach for our users - the people in our organisation who are creating and maintaining content? Is a guidance document the best approach for driving the behaviour change we seek?
Development tips for GovCMS SaaS
This talk looks at development tips for GovCMS SaaS.
What a digital government looks like | Anna Piperal
What if you never had to fill out paperwork again? In Estonia, this is a reality: citizens conduct nearly all public services online, from starting a business to voting from their laptops, thanks to the nation's ambitious post-Soviet digital transformation known as "e-Estonia." One of the program's experts, Anna Piperal, explains the key design principles that power the country's "e-government" -- and shows why the rest of the world should follow suit to eradicate outdated bureaucracy and regain citizens' trust.
Personalisation with Recombee
An introduction to the new Recombee module which provides personalised content though the the Recombee recommender as a service.
Personalization & Government: The Odd Couple or Perfect Match?
Think personalization is off limits because you run a government website? Well, it doesn’t have to be. We’ll present an actionable framework for how to develop and implement an impactful personalization program within privacy, security and compliance guard rails and help guide you on how to make it successful.
Digital Local Government – why Drupal and how to make it work
This talk explores how to make Drupal work in Local Government.
IPAA Innovation Award Finalist, Sharyn Clarkson from the Department of Finance answers ‘what really lies at the heart of innovation across the Australian Public Service’
Government as a Service - architecting govCMS in Australia - presentation
The Australian Federal Government has taken the revolutionary step of standardising on Drupal in public cloud. govCMS is a 'Whole of Government' solution that any federal or state level agency can join, leveraging the infrastructure, knowledge and experience of the collective government.
Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government
What can governments learn from the open-data revolution? In this stirring talk, Beth Noveck, the former deputy CTO at the White House, shares a vision of practical openness -- connecting bureaucracies to citizens, sharing data, creating a truly participatory democracy. Imagine the "writable society".