A Balancing Act: Crafting Effective Design Systems in Limited-Resource Environments
A design system isn’t merely a set of components and rules, it’s a strong foundation of standards that facilitate collaboration, reduce redundancy, and ensure scalability. Implement and govern agile design system practices that thrive in resource-constrained environments.
Yes, it’s possible: Migrating website content into Drupal without using a database or content export
Sharing information about open source tools outside of Drupal that are available to crawl public web content, as well as edge cases where even when the website database is accessible the migrate API is not the best option.
The Art of Discovery
The initial Discovery phase of a project can be highly strategic and complex. How can agencies catering to government projects do it, and do it well?
Putting CX at the Center of a DMV Website Redesign
A case study for the website redesign and Drupal development work for the Commonwealth of Virginia DMV.
Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process.
Testing a component's accessibility
In this 90-minute workshop, the GOV.UK Design System team demonstrates how they test components and patterns for accessibility. The workshop uses the upcoming task-list component as an example.
Nandan Nilekani On India's #DigitalTransformation
Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani's presentation from a talk on India's #DigitalTransformation over the last 15 years led by the many #DigitalPublicInfrastructure (DPIs). In the presentation, Nandan attempts to join the dots and present the bigger picture, saying that it is a testament to the great work done by the government and our entrepreneurs. The presentation has been released under a Creative Commons license.
Scanning the Australian Government ecosystem. How popular is Drupal down under?
Have you ever wondered how popular Drupal is in your local state and at the Federal Government level? This talk will answer that question, using open source tooling.
Better user and editor experience - exploring open data on GovCMS
Julia Topliss, former Account Manager at Morpht, presents on work on the new IPEA website.
The challenges of designing a HCD component-based design system and Drupal 9 theme
An exploration of the design thinking and implementation details for the open source CivicTheme.