One State, One Platform, One Team
Working with the NCDIT Digital Solutions team on the migration and redesign project for the State of North Carolina Drupal 10 multisite platform supporting 80 state agency websites
Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process.
Gazing at the stars: How to take USWDS beyond the limits
Ever wonder how you can leverage US Web Design System without losing your federal agency identity? This presentation will focus on taking USWDS beyond the basics.
Demystifying AI: How AI works and how we can leverage it
Learn what different AIs are, their capabilities, how to use them and how they might change how we build applications in the future.
Testing a component's accessibility
In this 90-minute workshop, the GOV.UK Design System team demonstrates how they test components and patterns for accessibility. The workshop uses the upcoming task-list component as an example.
Uplifting content with AI: ChatGPT and NLP Cloud
This presentation will review the recent advancements in generative AI and demonstrate how they can be used in the context of Drupal to provide assistance to editors and creators in Drupal as they carry out their editorial tasks.
Better user and editor experience - exploring open data on GovCMS
Julia Topliss, former Account Manager at Morpht, presents on work on the new IPEA website.
AI Powered Drupal: A new era for content creation and management
A DrupalSouth video on extending Drupal with AI capabilities with the Augmentor module.
The challenges of designing a HCD component-based design system and Drupal 9 theme
An exploration of the design thinking and implementation details for the open source CivicTheme.
How AI Could Empower Any Business
Expensive to build and often needing highly skilled engineers to maintain, artificial intelligence systems generally only pay off for large tech companies with vast amounts of data. But what if your local pizza shop could use AI to predict which flavor would sell best each day of the week? Andrew Ng shares a vision for democratizing access to AI, empowering any business to make decisions that will increase their profit and productivity. Learn how we could build a richer society – all with just a few self-provided data points.