Development tips for GovCMS SaaS
This talk looks at development tips for GovCMS SaaS.
Katherine Spivey on Readability Audits of Government Websites
Readability audits and formulas and how they work—and don’t work—to improve web content and the users’ experience.
What a digital government looks like | Anna Piperal
What if you never had to fill out paperwork again? In Estonia, this is a reality: citizens conduct nearly all public services online, from starting a business to voting from their laptops, thanks to the nation's ambitious post-Soviet digital transformation known as "e-Estonia." One of the program's experts, Anna Piperal, explains the key design principles that power the country's "e-government" -- and shows why the rest of the world should follow suit to eradicate outdated bureaucracy and regain citizens' trust.
Webforms for government
Explore how governments can leverage the Webform module for Drupal 8 to build accessible forms that securely collective massive amounts of data. We will discuss three big digital concerns for governments: data, security, and accessibility.
Personalization & Government: The Odd Couple or Perfect Match?
Think personalization is off limits because you run a government website? Well, it doesn’t have to be. We’ll present an actionable framework for how to develop and implement an impactful personalization program within privacy, security and compliance guard rails and help guide you on how to make it successful.
Single Digital Presence: Inside the Victorian Government's Drupal 8 Platform
Using a UX led approach to features, content and design, the Single Digital Presence project is improving the way citizens interact with the Victorian Government online. This talk will showcase the current SDP websites and briefly discuss the technology that underpins them.
Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government
Can government be run like the Internet, permissionless and open? Coder and activist Jennifer Pahlka believes it can -- and that apps, built quickly and cheaply, are a powerful new way to connect citizens to their governments -- and their neighbors.
Building a design system for government | Trevor Brennan & Alex Page
The Australian federal government has more than 1000 inconsistent websites and a workforce spread out across 200+ organisations.
Put the U.S. Web Design Standards to work in your next Drupal project
The U.S. Web Design Standards are a library of design guidelines and code to help government developers and designers quickly create trustworthy, accessible, and consistent digital government services -- and as of this summer, it has a Drupal theme! This session will include a whirlwind tour of the Web Design Standards , some extolling of its virtues, and a demo of the USWDS theme for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8.
How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement
How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement.