Crafting a Culture of Inclusiveness: Prioritizing Accessibility in Your Organization
Learn how to champion accessibility in your organization by gaining leadership support, educating your team, and integrating best practices without burning out.
Case Study: Creating Accessible Content for Lullabot's Digital Transformation Project and Lullabot have worked together to leverage several Drupal 9+ accessibility features and tools to aid in more accessible content entry.
One State, One Platform, One Team
Working with the NCDIT Digital Solutions team on the migration and redesign project for the State of North Carolina Drupal 10 multisite platform supporting 80 state agency websites
Component-based design using Layout Paragraphs and the U.S. Web Design System
How to utilize Layout Paragraphs, Theme Settings and Components to build out the most used components that every FED, State and Educational institution should use while avoiding the pitfalls that many agencies and web developers face.
A Balancing Act: Crafting Effective Design Systems in Limited-Resource Environments
A design system isn’t merely a set of components and rules, it’s a strong foundation of standards that facilitate collaboration, reduce redundancy, and ensure scalability. Implement and govern agile design system practices that thrive in resource-constrained environments.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.
Maintaining Your Site’s Accessibility Well After Launch
You've just rebuilt your website and made sure it's accessible. You've checked the boxes, gotten the approvals, and successfully launched the new website. What now?
The Art of Discovery
The initial Discovery phase of a project can be highly strategic and complex. How can agencies catering to government projects do it, and do it well?
Automating Accessibility Testing with DubBot
Accessibility is important to ensure equal access to information for everyone. However, getting it right can be challenging and time consuming. DubBot can help.
Designing Content Authoring Experiences
Why the authoring experience (AX) deserves to be a first-class citizen alongside UX and DX, and the steps we can take as contributors to help make that happen in Drupal core as well as the client projects we work on.