Using design systems to achieve success
This presentation covers strategies to rapidly complete such projects, highlighting a three-week redesign for a national campaign using the Australian Government design system.
Adopting an open source design system for GovCMS
Sharyn Clarkson is an Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government's Department of Finance and is one of the key leaders delivering the GovCMS platform to over 100 different federal agencies each with their own set of complex requirements and capabilities
Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process.
Content creators want automatic accessibility checks
New-to-accessibility content creators often express nervousness about their content ("I just don't know if it is accessible"), and experienced creators often still feel overwhelmed.
Crafting a Culture of Inclusiveness: Prioritizing Accessibility in Your Organization
Learn how to champion accessibility in your organization by gaining leadership support, educating your team, and integrating best practices without burning out.
Case Study: Creating Accessible Content for Lullabot's Digital Transformation Project and Lullabot have worked together to leverage several Drupal 9+ accessibility features and tools to aid in more accessible content entry.
Take charge of your Data with the Field API: From Common Content to Custom Creations
This session will introduce the Drupal Field API as a toolkit for storing, managing, and retrieving data from a Drupal site.
Automating Accessibility Testing with DubBot
Accessibility is important to ensure equal access to information for everyone. However, getting it right can be challenging and time consuming. DubBot can help.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.
Navigating the Digital Realm: A Journey Through the Eyes of a Screen Reader User
This interactive conference session aims to provide participants with a profound insight into the challenges and experiences of blind individuals using screen readers to navigate websites.