Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process. Improving Government CX with SSO
Issues with passwords alone, and how other mechanisms can improve security for the platform, including using SSO (single sign-on) & various MFA solutions such as TOTP and PIV.
Take charge of your Data with the Field API: From Common Content to Custom Creations
This session will introduce the Drupal Field API as a toolkit for storing, managing, and retrieving data from a Drupal site.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.
A Migration Is a Terrible Thing to Waste – A roadmap for your next big content migration
Hard-fought lessons to ensure success on your next migration such as tools for planning, how to avoid errors/downtime/SEO declines, how to improve your content, as well as highlight opportunities that are often overlooked during times of normal operation.
Tips and tricks for working with GovCMS SaaS
This session contains some of the most important lessons learned on my journey to efficiency on GovCMS. Come to the session to learn from my previous mistakes and hopefully your GovCMS development will become more joyful and productive. Feel free to bring your own lessons learned, so we all benefit!
Nandan Nilekani On India's #DigitalTransformation
Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani's presentation from a talk on India's #DigitalTransformation over the last 15 years led by the many #DigitalPublicInfrastructure (DPIs). In the presentation, Nandan attempts to join the dots and present the bigger picture, saying that it is a testament to the great work done by the government and our entrepreneurs. The presentation has been released under a Creative Commons license.
Scanning the Australian Government ecosystem. How popular is Drupal down under?
Have you ever wondered how popular Drupal is in your local state and at the Federal Government level? This talk will answer that question, using open source tooling.
GovCMS and Drupal 9, roadmap and Q&A
The presentation will cover the latest developments in GovCMS9 and detail the roadmap for migrations.
Replatforming Victoria's Department of Health onto Single Digital Presence
Salsa migrated the large from SiteCore to Victoria’s Single Digital Presence (SDP) to access the benefits of open source and the whole-of-government platform. The project represents a very large site with over 110 different features identified for rebuilding on SDP, and over 80,000 content objects (pages, documents and components) for migration.