GovCMS on Lagoon, the Australian Government move to a 100% open source platform
In this session we'll provide some background and explain how the new platform will leverage a 100% open source toolset of Drupal, Gitlab, Lagoon & Kubernetes for developing, testing, deploying, managing, supporting, and hosting GovCMS sites.
Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government
What can governments learn from the open-data revolution? In this stirring talk, Beth Noveck, the former deputy CTO at the White House, shares a vision of practical openness -- connecting bureaucracies to citizens, sharing data, creating a truly participatory democracy. Imagine the "writable society".
How the Internet will (one day) transform government | Clay Shirky
The open-source world has learned to deal with a flood of new, oftentimes divergent, ideas using hosting services like GitHub -- so why can't governments?