One State, One Platform, One Team
Working with the NCDIT Digital Solutions team on the migration and redesign project for the State of North Carolina Drupal 10 multisite platform supporting 80 state agency websites
Maintaining Your Site’s Accessibility Well After Launch
You've just rebuilt your website and made sure it's accessible. You've checked the boxes, gotten the approvals, and successfully launched the new website. What now?
Look ma, no hands! How to manage Drupal content without technical skills.
In this session, we will demonstrate how easy it is to install, configure, and use to create and manage content for government websites.
Creating Accessible Content in Drupal 10
What a content editor needs to know about ensuring their content is accessible, what tools Drupal provides to make this easier, some additional tools to help, and some additional resources.
Content creators want automatic accessibility checks
New-to-accessibility content creators often express nervousness about their content ("I just don't know if it is accessible"), and experienced creators often still feel overwhelmed.
Case Study: Creating Accessible Content for Lullabot's Digital Transformation Project and Lullabot have worked together to leverage several Drupal 9+ accessibility features and tools to aid in more accessible content entry.
A human centered design approach to writing RFPs
Everybody agrees that the RFP process is broken. This session will not fix that. However, your RFP can be great and inspire detailed, well-thought-out responses.
Take charge of your Data with the Field API: From Common Content to Custom Creations
This session will introduce the Drupal Field API as a toolkit for storing, managing, and retrieving data from a Drupal site.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.
Developing in the cloud using Cloud9 and EC2
There are instances as a developer where you're working on a laptop with limited resources. Why not utilize the capabilities of AWS to reduce the dependencies of developing web applications on your laptop.