Scanning the Australian Government ecosystem. How popular is Drupal down under?
Have you ever wondered how popular Drupal is in your local state and at the Federal Government level? This talk will answer that question, using open source tooling.
Replatforming Victoria's Department of Health onto Single Digital Presence
Salsa migrated the large from SiteCore to Victoria’s Single Digital Presence (SDP) to access the benefits of open source and the whole-of-government platform. The project represents a very large site with over 110 different features identified for rebuilding on SDP, and over 80,000 content objects (pages, documents and components) for migration.
How AI Could Empower Any Business
Expensive to build and often needing highly skilled engineers to maintain, artificial intelligence systems generally only pay off for large tech companies with vast amounts of data. But what if your local pizza shop could use AI to predict which flavor would sell best each day of the week? Andrew Ng shares a vision for democratizing access to AI, empowering any business to make decisions that will increase their profit and productivity. Learn how we could build a richer society – all with just a few self-provided data points.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In #Aadhaar Usage’ is immense.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In Aadhaar Usage’ is immense. To know more watch the video & deep dive into the world of possibilities with Aadhaar.
Introduction to Smart Personalization with Recombee
Recombee's AI-powered recommendation engine enables companies from various domains (video, media, real estate, job portals, music streaming platforms, and many others) to personalize their website or app and multiply interactions by tens of thousands.
Recombee Content Recommendations - Demo Media Site Example
Recombee is an AI-powered recommendation engine helping companies personalize their website or app, improve user experience and increase CTR. The selected video shows how AI content recommendations function from the first click on video sites.
Recombee Admin UI Demo (E-commerce Sample Database)
Recombee is an AI-powered recommendation engine helping companies from various domains such as video, media, real estate, job portals, and music streaming platforms (and many others) personalize their website or app to improve user experience and increase conversions. The selected video shows the Admin UI from Recombee’s for the E-commerce Sample Database..