Outside Looking In: Stepping Back to Overcome Organizational Bias and Embrace User-Centered Strategy
Internal teams often have a strong organizational lens that can obscure their understanding of users and hinder strategic efforts. In this presentation, We’ll share practical methods for overcoming these biases to better connect with the user perspective, whether you’re focused on content strategy, web management, or broader initiatives.
Improving Accessibility Through Design Systems | Homer Gaines
2024 Web Accessibility In Mind Conference
From the ground up: Building a scalable design system for health services websites.
The what, why and how of building design systems from scratch; ways to bridge the gap between developers and designers when collaborating on their creation, implementation and evolution
Government Summit pt1
Government Summit presents multiple case studies: Design systems, Chatbot implementation, and creating next-gen government website experiences.
Government Summit pt2
Ivan Duarte and Mike Herchel from Agileana present why we need to with the United States Web Design System (USWDS) and demo Gutenberg.
Using design systems to achieve success
This presentation covers strategies to rapidly complete such projects, highlighting a three-week redesign for a national campaign using the Australian Government design system.
Better Government Websites with Components
This presentation explores Component-based Development as a transformative approach for Drupal web development. It discusses breaking webpages into reusable components, akin to Lego bricks, to enhance scalability and maintainability
Structured Content & Flexible Layouts Georgia.gov Case Study
Lullabot helped Georgia.gov develop a new landing page design tool that gave state agencies the power to customize their home pages, landing pages, and programs without breaking the mobile-friendly responsive design. Even with this flexibility, the structured content model made it possible to keep critical information up-to-date across websites and automatically expose rich metadata for search engines.
Rapid prototyping for the web using the US Web Design System
As part of the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience, government agencies are required to modernize their websites using the U.S. Web Design System (#USWDS) to improve the public’s customer experience.
The future of the U.S. Web Design System
The U.S. Web Design System's been around for six years. As USWDS grows beyond 2.0, there's an opportunity to make subsequent versions even easier to integrate and upgrade. Drupal powers much of the government web, and this session will be an opportunity to discuss the potential, pain, and possibility of using USWDS with Drupal projects - particularly as both your projects and the design system mature.