Unlocking Transparency: Open Data Management and Metadata Standards with Drupal and DKAN
Data catalogs are an integral part of open government and transparency policies around the world. By bringing data publishing, sharing, and metadata standardization into Drupal, the DKAN module aims to make data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (“FAIR”) for agencies and the public.
How data and cultural knowledge come together to create bilingual content on USAGov’s benefit finder
Every year up to $140 billion in government benefits go unused. During this session, we’ll share our work with USAGov’s team to create a benefit finder to make finding benefits easy and accessible for everyone.
Build a Better Document Library in Drupal: Revisions, Dynamic Paths, and Unbroken Links
A Document Library methodology designed to improve Drupal's document handling, revision control, security, and avoid broken links.
Governments, companies in Asia-Pacific to get access to AI strategies personalised to their needs
Governments and companies in the Asia-Pacific will be able to get access to AI strategies that are personalised to their needs. Technology firm NCS has rolled out a system that assesses how ready organisations are to take up AI securely and provides them solutions to do so.
Drupal and the Open Web in the Australian Government - 2024 edition
A look at statistics on the use of Drupal and the Open Web in Government - 2024 Edition
Archives Central: A next-generation records repository
This presentation is a case study of a recent Islandora 8 project for Archives Central to migrate and present over 200,000 records (mixed digital and physical) on behalf of a consortium of district and regional councils in NZ.
Drupal Security Panel
Security has always been a concern for government websites. Given the recent rise in cyber attacks and subsequent media attention, securing your Drupal site is now more important than ever.
Meet the Moment: Delivering Results with WebOps
Now more than ever, web teams must pivot with confidence. We must focus on high-impact changes to our websites and adjust our strategy to a digital-first model. WebOps is a powerful mental model for understanding and organizing your work around credibility, productivity and impact.
What a digital government looks like | Anna Piperal
What if you never had to fill out paperwork again? In Estonia, this is a reality: citizens conduct nearly all public services online, from starting a business to voting from their laptops, thanks to the nation's ambitious post-Soviet digital transformation known as "e-Estonia." One of the program's experts, Anna Piperal, explains the key design principles that power the country's "e-government" -- and shows why the rest of the world should follow suit to eradicate outdated bureaucracy and regain citizens' trust.