Improving Accessibility Through Design Systems | Homer Gaines
2024 Web Accessibility In Mind Conference
Guide to Federal Site Scanning: Tools for Ensuring Compliance
Compliance is crucial for federal websites, ensuring accessibility and uniformity.
Implementing WCAG: the difference collaborating with testers with disability makes
Delivering a smooth experience for site users relying on assistive technology.
508, ADA, WCAG, oh my! How to test the 70% that automated tools can’t cover
Automated accessibility checkers can be extremely helpful, but only cover about 30% of potential issues.
Using design systems to achieve success
This presentation covers strategies to rapidly complete such projects, highlighting a three-week redesign for a national campaign using the Australian Government design system.
Automated vs Manual Accessibility Testing What's the Difference?
We often hear that we should make the sites we build and maintain accessible and that there are tools to help us achieve our goals. But what do these tools do and how much do they help before we have to intervene and do more manual work?
Accessibility testing tools and techniques by Janna Malikova
W3C lists 140 tools for testing accessibility. Janna Malikova covers some of these tools outlining the pros and cons for testing your website.
What a digital government looks like | Anna Piperal
What if you never had to fill out paperwork again? In Estonia, this is a reality: citizens conduct nearly all public services online, from starting a business to voting from their laptops, thanks to the nation's ambitious post-Soviet digital transformation known as "e-Estonia." One of the program's experts, Anna Piperal, explains the key design principles that power the country's "e-government" -- and shows why the rest of the world should follow suit to eradicate outdated bureaucracy and regain citizens' trust.