Login.gov: Improving Government CX with SSO
Issues with passwords alone, and how other mechanisms can improve security for the platform, including using SSO (single sign-on) & various MFA solutions such as TOTP and PIV.
Tips and tricks for working with GovCMS SaaS
This session contains some of the most important lessons learned on my journey to efficiency on GovCMS. Come to the session to learn from my previous mistakes and hopefully your GovCMS development will become more joyful and productive. Feel free to bring your own lessons learned, so we all benefit!
Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government
What can governments learn from the open-data revolution? In this stirring talk, Beth Noveck, the former deputy CTO at the White House, shares a vision of practical openness -- connecting bureaucracies to citizens, sharing data, creating a truly participatory democracy. Imagine the "writable society".
How the Internet will (one day) transform government | Clay Shirky
The open-source world has learned to deal with a flood of new, oftentimes divergent, ideas using hosting services like GitHub -- so why can't governments?