The story of building a Drupal distribution for the Estonian government
The Estonian Government is using Drupal CMS extensively. In this session, we will introduce the Government Portal - a Drupal distribution that the Estonian Government is using to run the websites of 11 ministries and their agencies.
Adopting an open source design system for GovCMS
Sharyn Clarkson is an Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government's Department of Finance and is one of the key leaders delivering the GovCMS platform to over 100 different federal agencies each with their own set of complex requirements and capabilities
A Balancing Act: Crafting Effective Design Systems in Limited-Resource Environments
A design system isn’t merely a set of components and rules, it’s a strong foundation of standards that facilitate collaboration, reduce redundancy, and ensure scalability. Implement and govern agile design system practices that thrive in resource-constrained environments.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.
A Migration Is a Terrible Thing to Waste – A roadmap for your next big content migration
Hard-fought lessons to ensure success on your next migration such as tools for planning, how to avoid errors/downtime/SEO declines, how to improve your content, as well as highlight opportunities that are often overlooked during times of normal operation.
Look ma, no hands! How to manage Drupal content without technical skills.
In this session, we will demonstrate how easy it is to install, configure, and use to create and manage content for government websites.
Automating Accessibility Testing with DubBot
Accessibility is important to ensure equal access to information for everyone. However, getting it right can be challenging and time consuming. DubBot can help.
Developing in the cloud using Cloud9 and EC2
There are instances as a developer where you're working on a laptop with limited resources. Why not utilize the capabilities of AWS to reduce the dependencies of developing web applications on your laptop.
Creating Accessible Content in Drupal 10
What a content editor needs to know about ensuring their content is accessible, what tools Drupal provides to make this easier, some additional tools to help, and some additional resources.
Dev Management as a Custom Drupal Module
This session is a fun & relatable introduction into developer management roles, but also serves as reminders to people that currently lead teams.