Webforms for government
Explore how governments can leverage the Webform module for Drupal 8 to build accessible forms that securely collective massive amounts of data. We will discuss three big digital concerns for governments: data, security, and accessibility.
Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a better government
Can government be run like the Internet, permissionless and open? Coder and activist Jennifer Pahlka believes it can -- and that apps, built quickly and cheaply, are a powerful new way to connect citizens to their governments -- and their neighbors.
How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement
How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement.
Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government
What can governments learn from the open-data revolution? In this stirring talk, Beth Noveck, the former deputy CTO at the White House, shares a vision of practical openness -- connecting bureaucracies to citizens, sharing data, creating a truly participatory democracy. Imagine the "writable society".