A case study about location based search on nsw.gov.au website
The OneCX program is transforming the customer’s digital experience of the NSW Government. It’s making it easier for customers to access the information they need, without having to understand or navigate the structure of government.
Test Automation for GovCMS using Cypress
This session looks at how GovCMS handles test automation using Cypress as part of our continuous improvement and deployment for SaaS sites on the platform, the benefits it provides for front end testing and our goal for more automated testing.
Managing Drupal Teams in Government
This talk is about Drupal Team in Government with Abigail Bowman and Laura Larrimor.
Case Study: mtc.ca.gov
This session will describe the new Drupal 9 mtc.ca.gov website.
This site was recently migrated from Drupal 7, but has a handful of interesting new features, including a new approach to the Granicus meeting importer (as demonstrated at last year's DrupalGovCon).
Modernizing to Drupal: Lessons from Porting an Old Website
The goal of this presentation will be to help government agencies using non-CMS powered websites and why they should port to websites to Drupal given our own experience.
Structured Content & Flexible Layouts Georgia.gov Case Study
Lullabot helped Georgia.gov develop a new landing page design tool that gave state agencies the power to customize their home pages, landing pages, and programs without breaking the mobile-friendly responsive design. Even with this flexibility, the structured content model made it possible to keep critical information up-to-date across websites and automatically expose rich metadata for search engines.
One Drupal platform, multiple government products
This session is for project managers, product managers, content strategists and other technologists interested in taking product-centric approach to government digital services.
Clients & Industry Experiences - The Choice of the Australian Government
Over the past four years most jurisdictions across Australian government at federal and state levels have rapidly adopted Drupal as their chosen platform to host their public websites. Learn how the open source platform has been helping solve the technical and non-technical challenges common at all levels of government.
Why Drupal accelerates digital transformation in the Western Australian Public Service
Drupal powers the WA.gov.au platform. It has proven its worth in both setting whole-of-government standards in branding, usability, accessibility as well as reducing agency costs across the sector. It is the platform the WA Government has used to communicate with Western Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic as it has the flexibility, agility, and scalability to meet the ever-changing requirements of the state's response to the virus.
Rapid Response: How we build some of Australia's most important COVID websites with Drupal
Between April and June 2020, Annex Digital was engaged to build some of Australia's principle COVID response websites. These were to be major parts of the national response, and we were given days to prepare them. In the end, we did this four times.
This session will look at the projects and how we were able to execute from zero to Critical Infrastructure in under a week, the challenges we faced, and the technical solutions we used to get these over the line.