Convivial CMS DrupalSouth demonstration
Morpht - Convivial CMS: Murray Woodman, from Morpht, will showcase Convivial CMS, a personalisation focused Drupal distribution. Convivial CMS ships with many personalisation and editor friendly features to make Drupal a first class citizen in the digital ecosystem.
The accessibility mistake our entire industry is making
While accessibility is a “top priority”, it's clear the entire web industry has been thinking about it in a way that has failed all of us.
Lifting the Veil on AAA Compliant Builds
AAA compliance is the ultimate achievement, but is rarely ever actually necessary. Hear our lessons learned from our latest AAA project.
Making Accessibility More Approachable
Why a mutual basic understanding of accessibility is vital to project success, and how you can have fun with it with your clients.
Distributed governance in a distribution for local government
How LocalGov Drupal is using the power of Sociocracy to make decisions and collaborate effectively on a local government open source project
A better experience for everyone - Accessibility
Small things count - Create accessibility compliant digital content by distributing roles & responsibilities across cross functional teams.
Australian Cyber and Critical Infrastructure
This talk is about Australian cyber and critical infrastructure.
Clients & Industry Experiences - The Choice of the Australian Government
Over the past four years most jurisdictions across Australian government at federal and state levels have rapidly adopted Drupal as their chosen platform to host their public websites. Learn how the open source platform has been helping solve the technical and non-technical challenges common at all levels of government.
GovCMS content types overview
In this video, you’ll learn about the default content types in GovCMS and what content types are used for.
Improving UX with an interactive decision tree
This session will present an innovative way to guide the visitor to the right part of the site by using an interactive decision tree. Users are guided through a series of steps to get them to the answer they are looking for.