The future of the U.S. Web Design System
The U.S. Web Design System's been around for six years. As USWDS grows beyond 2.0, there's an opportunity to make subsequent versions even easier to integrate and upgrade. Drupal powers much of the government web, and this session will be an opportunity to discuss the potential, pain, and possibility of using USWDS with Drupal projects - particularly as both your projects and the design system mature.
Content accessibility in Drupal
It’s important that content meets accessibility standards, however many people don't know what guidelines to follow. A few simple tips will help anyone writing content meet accessibility standards (WCAG) and ensure content is accessible for everyone.
Government as a Service - architecting govCMS in Australia - presentation
The Australian Federal Government has taken the revolutionary step of standardising on Drupal in public cloud. govCMS is a 'Whole of Government' solution that any federal or state level agency can join, leveraging the infrastructure, knowledge and experience of the collective government.