Yes, it’s possible: Migrating website content into Drupal without using a database or content export
Sharing information about open source tools outside of Drupal that are available to crawl public web content, as well as edge cases where even when the website database is accessible the migrate API is not the best option.
Content creators want automatic accessibility checks
New-to-accessibility content creators often express nervousness about their content ("I just don't know if it is accessible"), and experienced creators often still feel overwhelmed.
Dev Management as a Custom Drupal Module
This session is a fun & relatable introduction into developer management roles, but also serves as reminders to people that currently lead teams.
Building a Robust Community of Content Managers
Getting Drupal to work in a government environment is a technology problem. Getting good content into that Drupal system, however, is a people problem.
Navigating the Digital Realm: A Journey Through the Eyes of a Screen Reader User
This interactive conference session aims to provide participants with a profound insight into the challenges and experiences of blind individuals using screen readers to navigate websites. Improving Government CX with SSO
Issues with passwords alone, and how other mechanisms can improve security for the platform, including using SSO (single sign-on) & various MFA solutions such as TOTP and PIV.
Design Sprints: Designing, Prototyping, and Testing the New IRA Incentive Hub in 5 Days
Understanding what a design sprint is and what is needed to conduct one, as well as tangible insights and inspiration from a real-life example.
A human centered design approach to writing RFPs
Everybody agrees that the RFP process is broken. This session will not fix that. However, your RFP can be great and inspire detailed, well-thought-out responses.
The Art of Discovery
The initial Discovery phase of a project can be highly strategic and complex. How can agencies catering to government projects do it, and do it well?
Putting CX at the Center of a DMV Website Redesign
A case study for the website redesign and Drupal development work for the Commonwealth of Virginia DMV.