Build a Better Document Library in Drupal: Revisions, Dynamic Paths, and Unbroken Links
A Document Library methodology designed to improve Drupal's document handling, revision control, security, and avoid broken links.
Implementing WCAG: the difference collaborating with testers with disability makes
Delivering a smooth experience for site users relying on assistive technology.
508, ADA, WCAG, oh my! How to test the 70% that automated tools can’t cover
Automated accessibility checkers can be extremely helpful, but only cover about 30% of potential issues.
Drupal and the Open Web in the Australian Government - 2024 edition
A look at statistics on the use of Drupal and the Open Web in Government - 2024 Edition
Adopting an open source design system for GovCMS
Sharyn Clarkson is an Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government's Department of Finance and is one of the key leaders delivering the GovCMS platform to over 100 different federal agencies each with their own set of complex requirements and capabilities
Automating Accessibility Testing with DubBot
Accessibility is important to ensure equal access to information for everyone. However, getting it right can be challenging and time consuming. DubBot can help.
Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process.
Testing a component's accessibility
In this 90-minute workshop, the GOV.UK Design System team demonstrates how they test components and patterns for accessibility. The workshop uses the upcoming task-list component as an example.
The Internet's Accessibility Problem — and How To Fix It | Clive Loseby
The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone.
The Future of Drupal and Web Content Publishing in Government
In this webinar, we leverage our 15 years of experience to discuss the future and what role Drupal will play in it, considering the challenges government web publishing stakeholders are facing today.