Navigating Tomorrow: The Future of Websites in the Age of AI and Content Proliferation
The landscape of websites is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by an insatiable demand for new content and the impending influence of artificial intelligence. In this session, we embark on a journey into the heart of "The Future of Websites," exploring the dynamic interplay between escalating content needs and the transformative role of AI in shaping the digital ecosystem.
The Path to Drupal Excellence: Delivery Success Through Professional Growth
In today's dynamic Drupal development landscape, ensuring successful project delivery is essential. Successful project delivery is often driven by highly competent and growth-oriented professionals. This session will delve into a comprehensive strategy for transforming both new-to-Drupal and existing Drupal professionals into proficient experts across various roles.
Driesnote: DrupalCon Singapore 2024
Belgium-born Drupal founder Dries Buytaert is a pioneer in the open-source web publishing and digital experience platform space. In his traditional Driesnote at DrupalCon Singapore 2024, he presents an update on the project and Drupal's development.
The story of building a Drupal distribution for the Estonian government
The Estonian Government is using Drupal CMS extensively. In this session, we will introduce the Government Portal - a Drupal distribution that the Estonian Government is using to run the websites of 11 ministries and their agencies.
Adopting an open source design system for GovCMS
Sharyn Clarkson is an Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government's Department of Finance and is one of the key leaders delivering the GovCMS platform to over 100 different federal agencies each with their own set of complex requirements and capabilities
Look ma, no hands! How to manage Drupal content without technical skills.
In this session, we will demonstrate how easy it is to install, configure, and use to create and manage content for government websites.
A human centered design approach to writing RFPs
Everybody agrees that the RFP process is broken. This session will not fix that. However, your RFP can be great and inspire detailed, well-thought-out responses.
Curious or Furious?: The Power of Streamlined DevOps for GovAgency Teams
The benefits of workflow DevOps and share practical examples of how to leverage team collaboration on Drupal code projects to overcome common pitfalls and challenges.
Component-based design using Layout Paragraphs and the U.S. Web Design System
How to utilize Layout Paragraphs, Theme Settings and Components to build out the most used components that every FED, State and Educational institution should use while avoiding the pitfalls that many agencies and web developers face.
Building a Robust Community of Content Managers
Getting Drupal to work in a government environment is a technology problem. Getting good content into that Drupal system, however, is a people problem.