Build a Better Document Library in Drupal: Revisions, Dynamic Paths, and Unbroken Links
A Document Library methodology designed to improve Drupal's document handling, revision control, security, and avoid broken links.
Drupal and the Open Web in the Australian Government - 2024 edition
A look at statistics on the use of Drupal and the Open Web in Government - 2024 Edition
Supercharging Drupal Migrations with ChatGPT: Unleashing Efficiency and Enhancing Development
Delve into the exciting world of Drupal migrations and discover how to harness the power of ChatGPT to turbocharge your development process.
Meet the Moment: Delivering Results with WebOps
Now more than ever, web teams must pivot with confidence. We must focus on high-impact changes to our websites and adjust our strategy to a digital-first model. WebOps is a powerful mental model for understanding and organizing your work around credibility, productivity and impact.
Archives Central: A next-generation records repository
This presentation is a case study of a recent Islandora 8 project for Archives Central to migrate and present over 200,000 records (mixed digital and physical) on behalf of a consortium of district and regional councils in NZ.
Drupal Security Panel
Security has always been a concern for government websites. Given the recent rise in cyber attacks and subsequent media attention, securing your Drupal site is now more important than ever.