How AI Could Empower Any Business
Expensive to build and often needing highly skilled engineers to maintain, artificial intelligence systems generally only pay off for large tech companies with vast amounts of data. But what if your local pizza shop could use AI to predict which flavor would sell best each day of the week? Andrew Ng shares a vision for democratizing access to AI, empowering any business to make decisions that will increase their profit and productivity. Learn how we could build a richer society – all with just a few self-provided data points.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In #Aadhaar Usage’ is immense.
The opportunities for 'Exploring New Horizons In Aadhaar Usage’ is immense. To know more watch the video & deep dive into the world of possibilities with Aadhaar.
Rules as Code - Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Rules as code (RaC) is the process of taking legislation, regulations and policies and turning them into machine-readable code.
WA Government Portal and web platform approach
450+ WA Government websites, 450+ user experiences, 100s of isolated platforms and contracts.
Recombee Content Recommendations - Demo Media Site Example
Recombee is an AI-powered recommendation engine helping companies personalize their website or app, improve user experience and increase CTR. The selected video shows how AI content recommendations function from the first click on video sites.
The future of the U.S. Web Design System
The U.S. Web Design System's been around for six years. As USWDS grows beyond 2.0, there's an opportunity to make subsequent versions even easier to integrate and upgrade. Drupal powers much of the government web, and this session will be an opportunity to discuss the potential, pain, and possibility of using USWDS with Drupal projects - particularly as both your projects and the design system mature.
Content accessibility in Drupal
It’s important that content meets accessibility standards, however many people don't know what guidelines to follow. A few simple tips will help anyone writing content meet accessibility standards (WCAG) and ensure content is accessible for everyone.
Government as a Platform
A thought provoker on how Governments can become part of the platform revolution to enable co-creation and co-innovation with themselves and with industry, for citizens to ultimately receive better experiences.
Improving UX with an interactive decision tree
This session will present an innovative way to guide the visitor to the right part of the site by using an interactive decision tree. Users are guided through a series of steps to get them to the answer they are looking for.
Why Drupal accelerates digital transformation in the Western Australian Public Service
Drupal powers the platform. It has proven its worth in both setting whole-of-government standards in branding, usability, accessibility as well as reducing agency costs across the sector. It is the platform the WA Government has used to communicate with Western Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic as it has the flexibility, agility, and scalability to meet the ever-changing requirements of the state's response to the virus.