Creating Nimble Drupal Systems for Government: Transforming MN’s Dept of Health in 6 Months
When a closely knit and well-experienced government team builds their first Drupal site and launches it on their own hosting, they encounter unforeseen yet surmountable obstacles. This journey explores how the team improved their Drupal systems—from the site's user experience and tagging strategy to the automation at AWS—in just six months.
Dev Management as a Custom Drupal Module
This session is a fun & relatable introduction into developer management roles, but also serves as reminders to people that currently lead teams.
Testing a component's accessibility
In this 90-minute workshop, the GOV.UK Design System team demonstrates how they test components and patterns for accessibility. The workshop uses the upcoming task-list component as an example.
GovCMS Deep Dive into content sharing at scale
This session is a more focused deep dive on specific aspects of DXP and content that are most compelling to a whole of government implementation on GovCMS.
The Internet's Accessibility Problem — and How To Fix It | Clive Loseby
The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone.
Better user and editor experience - exploring open data on GovCMS
Julia Topliss, former Account Manager at Morpht, presents on work on the new IPEA website.
The challenges of designing a HCD component-based design system and Drupal 9 theme
An exploration of the design thinking and implementation details for the open source CivicTheme.
Test Automation for GovCMS using Cypress
This session looks at how GovCMS handles test automation using Cypress as part of our continuous improvement and deployment for SaaS sites on the platform, the benefits it provides for front end testing and our goal for more automated testing.
Rules as Code - Delivering a personalised citizen experience for GovCMS
Rules as code (RaC) is the process of taking legislation, regulations and policies and turning them into machine-readable code.
The Future of Drupal and Web Content Publishing in Government
In this webinar, we leverage our 15 years of experience to discuss the future and what role Drupal will play in it, considering the challenges government web publishing stakeholders are facing today.