Crafting a Culture of Inclusiveness: Prioritizing Accessibility in Your Organization
Learn how to champion accessibility in your organization by gaining leadership support, educating your team, and integrating best practices without burning out.
Gazing at the stars: How to take USWDS beyond the limits
Ever wonder how you can leverage US Web Design System without losing your federal agency identity? This presentation will focus on taking USWDS beyond the basics.
Take charge of your Data with the Field API: From Common Content to Custom Creations
This session will introduce the Drupal Field API as a toolkit for storing, managing, and retrieving data from a Drupal site.
Designing Content Authoring Experiences
Why the authoring experience (AX) deserves to be a first-class citizen alongside UX and DX, and the steps we can take as contributors to help make that happen in Drupal core as well as the client projects we work on.
Accessibility Audits: The many shapes and sizes, what’s the right fit for you?
A case study comparison of two different 3rd party accessibility audit and remediation processes. How accessibility audits can be completed, why they should be completed, and why accessibility matters.
One State, One Platform, One Team
Working with the NCDIT Digital Solutions team on the migration and redesign project for the State of North Carolina Drupal 10 multisite platform supporting 80 state agency websites
Do you still need Sass in 2023?
An overview of new CSS features that replace functionality in Sass, go over some PostCSS plugins that replicate Sass functionality and how PostCSS is being used in Drupal 10.
Curious or Furious?: The Power of Streamlined DevOps for GovAgency Teams
The benefits of workflow DevOps and share practical examples of how to leverage team collaboration on Drupal code projects to overcome common pitfalls and challenges.
A Balancing Act: Crafting Effective Design Systems in Limited-Resource Environments
A design system isn’t merely a set of components and rules, it’s a strong foundation of standards that facilitate collaboration, reduce redundancy, and ensure scalability. Implement and govern agile design system practices that thrive in resource-constrained environments.
Revealing Insights: Transforming Drupal Data into Smart Decisions
The art of harnessing Drupal's data to create actionable insights. We'll explore how data can be your compass for making informed choices.