The story of building a Drupal distribution for the Estonian government
The Estonian Government is using Drupal CMS extensively. In this session, we will introduce the Government Portal - a Drupal distribution that the Estonian Government is using to run the websites of 11 ministries and their agencies.
Adopting an open source design system for GovCMS
Sharyn Clarkson is an Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government's Department of Finance and is one of the key leaders delivering the GovCMS platform to over 100 different federal agencies each with their own set of complex requirements and capabilities
Creating Accessible Content in Drupal 10
What a content editor needs to know about ensuring their content is accessible, what tools Drupal provides to make this easier, some additional tools to help, and some additional resources.
Dev Management as a Custom Drupal Module
This session is a fun & relatable introduction into developer management roles, but also serves as reminders to people that currently lead teams.
Component-based design using Layout Paragraphs and the U.S. Web Design System
How to utilize Layout Paragraphs, Theme Settings and Components to build out the most used components that every FED, State and Educational institution should use while avoiding the pitfalls that many agencies and web developers face.
Website audit and archive guidance. What is it and why is it important?
This presentation will cover creating an audit plan, identifying content types, setting a review schedule, gaining stakeholder buy-in, and developing a content inventory. Auditing and archiving web content is essential for maintaining and improving digital content accessibility.
Website audit and archive guidance. What is it and why is it important?
Reviewing and cleaning up your website will save you time and effort in the future, highlight potential content gaps, and show areas where you can improve functionality and the user experience.
Design Sprints: Designing, Prototyping, and Testing the New IRA Incentive Hub in 5 Days
Understanding what a design sprint is and what is needed to conduct one, as well as tangible insights and inspiration from a real-life example.
Yes, it’s possible: Migrating website content into Drupal without using a database or content export
Sharing information about open source tools outside of Drupal that are available to crawl public web content, as well as edge cases where even when the website database is accessible the migrate API is not the best option.
Content creators want automatic accessibility checks
New-to-accessibility content creators often express nervousness about their content ("I just don't know if it is accessible"), and experienced creators often still feel overwhelmed.