Navigating the Digital Realm: A Journey Through the Eyes of a Screen Reader User
This interactive conference session aims to provide participants with a profound insight into the challenges and experiences of blind individuals using screen readers to navigate websites.
Testing a component's accessibility
In this 90-minute workshop, the GOV.UK Design System team demonstrates how they test components and patterns for accessibility. The workshop uses the upcoming task-list component as an example.
The Internet's Accessibility Problem — and How To Fix It | Clive Loseby
The internet provides access to knowledge for billions across the world, but how accessible is it really? Website accessibility advocate Clive Loseby sheds light on why many parts of the web are closed off to those with disabilities -- and lays out some steps to make being online better for everyone.
Mobile accessibility: building accessible mobile sites and native apps for accessibility
Accessibility is important to all – not everyone using your mobile app, device or wearable will be fully functioning: either because they have a disability or they are simply engaged elsewhere. Gian Wild talks about the things that are essential to avoid when designing mobile apps, devices and wearables to ensure that everyone can use them.
The Future of Drupal and Web Content Publishing in Government
In this webinar, we leverage our 15 years of experience to discuss the future and what role Drupal will play in it, considering the challenges government web publishing stakeholders are facing today.
Rapid prototyping for the web using the US Web Design System
As part of the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience, government agencies are required to modernize their websites using the U.S. Web Design System (#USWDS) to improve the public’s customer experience.
Lifting the Veil on AAA Compliant Builds
AAA compliance is the ultimate achievement, but is rarely ever actually necessary. Hear our lessons learned from our latest AAA project.
Making Accessibility More Approachable
Why a mutual basic understanding of accessibility is vital to project success, and how you can have fun with it with your clients.
Automated vs Manual Accessibility Testing What's the Difference?
We often hear that we should make the sites we build and maintain accessible and that there are tools to help us achieve our goals. But what do these tools do and how much do they help before we have to intervene and do more manual work?
Accessibility testing tools and techniques by Janna Malikova
W3C lists 140 tools for testing accessibility. Janna Malikova covers some of these tools outlining the pros and cons for testing your website.